Step by step
Step 1
Call, text or view on-line calendar to check availability.
Step 2
Complete on-line guest registration for each dog to be boarded.
Pet Name, Breed, Age
Human General Information
Vet and E-Vet Information
Dog Personality Questions
Verification of Immunizations
Dog Health Questions
Step 3
Call or text us to set up a personal meeting with dog(s) to be boarded.
First time boarders only.
Step 4
Meet and Greet
Come out to the lake, get to know us, let your dog look around!
First time boarders only.
Fill out and sign agreement. Repeat clients can do online.
Specify activities approved.
Specify use of restraining and safety devices
Receive “what to bring” brochure.
Join our Facebook group.
Step 5
Its arrival day. You may drop off anytime after 7:30AM. Just let us know when to expect you. Dogs need to be dropped off at the front door. Dog parents please limit your goodbyes to 5 minutes to avoid increasing separation anxiety.
Step 6
Check in while you are on your vacation.
Call or text us to check in
Daily pics and videos posted to a private email group
If previously arranged, do a video chat with your dog
Step 7
Pick Up Day! Please call or text us and let us know when you will be picking up.
Anytime up till 8PM.
If your dog has been in the lake or just plain been having dog fun, we
provide a basic bath, brush and dry on departure day.
All bills must be paid in full before picking up your dog.
Step 8
Please review us! We will send you an email with a survey and links
to several places you can review us. We value your input and
want to hear how we did!

Emergency Procedures
1- The instructions given to us on the boarding agreement will be followed to the best of our ability. When in doubt we will use our own best judgment. Every attempt will be made to contact you before any action is taken.
2- We will take your dog to your vet or chosen emergency vet clinic. Canine Lake Lodge does not charge a transportation fee for a mandatory vet visit within 90 minute drive.
3- Any charges by the veterinarian or emergency vet clinic must be paid for by dog owner.